Architectural Structures Minimize Solar Heat Gain
Generate Renewable Energy On-Site
Vegetated GreenWalls Insulate & Beautify
Smart-Home Tech & Timers for Energy Savings
Thermal Chimney & Natural Cooling
Rain Gardens Hold & Slow Stormwater Infiltration
Applied Overhangs Control Solar Heat-Gain
Native Species Require Less Water & Chemical Inputs
Bio-Swales & Hugelkultur Growing Mounds
Net-Zero Homes Generate 100% of Their own Energy
Solar Hot Water Heaters Reduce Energy Consumption
The Built Environment is
The Palmer Design Group, Inc. promotes the concept of Regenerative Living; of acting and doing in ways that improve the condition of the natural environment, as an alternative to merely 'doing the least harm'. Our LEED AP Homes Accredited Professionals participate in high-performance home design and remodels that reduce the impact of the built-environment upon the landscape, while fostering the spread of ideas that enable each of us to meet our everyday needs without infringing upon the ability of future generations to do the same.
In response to global demand for greater sustainability in the built environment, California's Title 24 Building Standards have stated the goal that all new homes are to be "Zero Net Energy" by 2020, meaning they must be resource-efficient homes which generate as much energy as they use each year.
The Palmer Design Group offers design strategies & products that enable owners of built homes to enjoy the same advancements, whether that be for future resale value, or the satisfaction of creating a home that will use precious natural resources more responsibly into the future. We provide design and guidance for any size project, whether a major remodel seeking LEED Certification, a NetZero energy overhaul, or a minor project with limited scope. We promote the idea that any change, however small, is a step in the right direction.
Working with homeowner, contractor, or architect, we recommend and design those modifications to the built home and landscape that will be most effective in enabling the home to use less energy, produce renewable energy, consume less potable water, manage & harvest water resources on-site, and enjoy improved indoor comfort and air quality. Using methods which have been proven to improve the energy-and water-performance of the home, it is possible to bring it up to California's new, high-performance home standards.
Project Oversight by The Palmer Design Group provides added assurance that the job will proceed on-time & within budget. We take pride in participating in a finished product that employs high-performance upgrades while creating beautiful spaces indoors and out.
Whenever possible, we encourage providing ecological services to the local environment through a variety of small actions which add impact over time. We foster the growth of small-scale, organic urban farm-scapes and community gardens, and the continued spread of urban agricultural districts. We defend dark skies, quietude, and the tranquility of nature; because in replenishing nature, we replenish ourselves.
Microclimate Landscape Shades & Cools Home
Passive Solar Principles for Energy Savings
Rainwater Catchment, Storage, Re-Use
Open-Grid Pavement for Rainwater Infiltration
Urban Farmscapes in Custom Raised Planters
Green Roofs for Insulation & Rainwater Runoff Control
Graywater Capture & Re-Use in Landscape
Vertical Gardening with GreenScreens
Attic Fans Remove Heat Gain From Attic & Garage Spaces
Digital Timers Permit Precise Set-Points & Save Energy
Our Industry Affiliations
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"The best way
to predict the future
is to design it."
- Buckminster Fuller